Michigan Hybrid vehicle purchase Tax Incentives

Alternative Energy Tax Credit (bill): S.B. 14 would provide a tax credit for the purchase of an alternative energy vehicle that by the definition of the Michigan Next Energy Authority Act (PA 593, 2002) includes hybrid electric vehicles. Introduced 1/12/2005 -- pending.
Business Tax Credit for Fleets (bill): S.B. 704 would provide businesses with fleets of 25 vehicles or more a $1000.00 tax credit for purchase or lease of an alternative energy vehicle that by the definition of the Michigan Next Energy Authority Act (PA 593, 2002) includes hybrid electric vehicles. Referred to Committee on Technology and Energy 8/31/2005.
Use Tax Exemption (bill): H.B. 5086 would exempt an alternative energy vehicle that by the definition of the Michigan Next Energy Authority Act (PA 593, 2002) includes hybrid electric vehicles from the Michigan use tax from September 30 2006 to September 30 2008. Referred to Committe on Tax Policy 8/10/2005.
Sales Tax Deduction (bill): H.B. 5223 would allow those purchasing an alternative energy vehicle that by the definition of the Michigan Next Energy Authority Act (PA 593, 2002) includes hybrid electric vehicles to compute sales tax based not on the price of that vehicle, but instead on a comparable vehicle powered only by motor fuel. Referred to Committee on Tax Policy 9/27/2005.